The Blog.
Voicemails and Cleavage: What should they have in common?
Answer: They both should arouse curiosity if they are done properly.
2.7 Seconds To Capture Someone’s Attention?
“According to email provider ExactTarget, people take 2.7 seconds…
Ask and You May Receive: A Short Story On Price Discounting
A few years ago I bought a brand new Toyota RAV4 which came up…
How many appointments should a sales person have in 12 months?
The answer is of course, it depends!
I've interviewed candidates…
Sales Reps Make Less than Two Call Attempts
Here are three interesting or depressing sales statistics whether…
Sales Book Review: New Sales. Simplified.
Happy almost Labor Day!
My daughter was a flower girl in my…
1/4 Inch Hole or 1/4 Inch Drill?
I came across 2 articles this week on selling with features and…
The Presidential Election and Sales Prospecting
I have some slightly bad news for you regarding the upcoming…
Discounting: Respect yourself or else your prospects won’t!
Summer time is usually slow for us just like countless other…