The Blog.

What do Super Bowl ads and lead generation campaigns have in common?

The Super Bowl is next month folks! Answer: Sometimes they…

Holiday Gifts for Clients and Potential Prospects

Happy Monday Everyone! As may or may not know, Connect 5000…

Sales lessons learned from my father’s death

Happy Holidays everyone! Disclaimer: This is not a “get…

A Recent Asking For a Discount Story

Good morning everyone! Recently my credit card expired and…

A Magic Email For When a Prospect Doesn’t Return Your Calls

Happy New Year everyone! I have been reading Chris Lytle's…

Fancy Title – No Authority or Influence

Hi everyone! At Connect 5000, we use as our…

Price vs. Time Saved: A Tale of Dry Cleaning

Greetings everyone! I wear a lot of button up shirts to work.…

10 Creative Subject Lines That Get Your Sales Emails Opened

Using sales and marketing emails is one tool we use to engage…

Update up your CRM while sales prospecting

A few years ago I did an email blast of executives in my…