Voicemails and Cleavage: What should they have in common?
Answer: They both should arouse curiosity if they are done properly. Crude analogy? Perhaps! Is the desired end result the same? I say yes!
This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Ray Ruecker contributed a whooping 204 entries.
Answer: They both should arouse curiosity if they are done properly. Crude analogy? Perhaps! Is the desired end result the same? I say yes!
“According to email provider ExactTarget, people take 2.7 seconds to decide if they will read, forward, or delete a message. These busy people sit with their finger on the delete button…” confirms Jill Konrath in The Ultimate Guide to Email Prospecting. Yikes! 2.7 seconds! That’s it? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I did some […]
A few years ago I bought a brand new Toyota RAV4 which came up with an optional subscription for satellite radio. I won’t say who the company was but it rhymes with “curious”. I tend to keep the radio off in my car to think and clear my head but do like commercial free radio […]
The answer is of course, it depends! I’ve interviewed candidates for Connect 5000 recently since we are slowly expanding and growing. When I chat with sales candidates, I ask them how many sales calls were they required to make in their previous job. Their answer: 100 a day. When I ask how much money do […]
Here are three interesting or depressing sales statistics whether you’re a CEO, Vice President of Sales, or sales representative surveying the sales landscape today. According to RainToday.com, about 50% of sales people won’t prospect. That’s the research. Even worse, the percentage of consultants who won’t prospect is even higher.1 According to Insidesales.com, it takes between […]
Happy almost Labor Day! My daughter was a flower girl in my wife’s cousin’s wedding recently. So my wife, daughter, and her parents flew out to LA to make it to the rehearsal in time. I flew out Friday evening to join them. I ordered Mike Weiberg’s book “New Sales. Simplifed.” on Amazon and took […]
I came across 2 articles this week on selling with features and benefits instead of outcomes and results. They used the same exact illustration: “Each and every year, millions of 1⁄4-inch drill bits are sold, yet nobody buying any one of these 1⁄4-inch drill bits actually wants a 1⁄4-inch drill bit. Then, why do they […]
I have some slightly bad news for you regarding the upcoming election in November: No matter who wins the 2016 presidential election, unless your phone is ringing off the hook or you’re up to your ears in referrals, you are still going to need to be proactive and reach out to prospects by phone or […]
Summer time is usually slow for us just like countless other organizations out there. Last June, I was discussing our services with a prospect and he asked for a discount. This post isn’t about whether or not should you discount, there’s strong arguments on both sides of the subject. So here’s what the prospect and […]
Happy 4th of July everyone! Just like countless sales professionals, I use my cell phone as my main number to be reached out since I’m mobile and travel quite a bit to see clients and prospects. On Thursday afternoon, I happened to get a call from Ontario, Canada. Usually I answer the phone in some […]